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Terri Hubbard
How Can I Help?

"Terri Hubbard is a clear, refreshing voice in recovery. Her enthusiasm for the job and dedication to clients is unparalleled in the field. All around amazing."
Mary Tinsely-Gardner
If you're interested in working with me as a recovery coach, let's start with a no-cost consultation. If we're a good fit, we'll set the date for your first session. Speaker fee or two 45 minute individual sessions $100
"Terri teaches you how to live life on life's terms. She gives you the tools, it's up to you to apply them. I love and adore Terri Hubbard."
Christy Johnson
My primary passion is teaching chemical dependency education. See my posts and videos to learn on your own. If you would like to dig deeper on a specific topic, request a mini-session with me to receive a handout and customized instruction. $25

Terri Hubbard
Licensed Chemical
Dependency Counselor
Texas LCDC #14810
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